Saturday, September 19, 2009

This is my pet rabbit running on the road.

Friday, September 18, 2009

This is a Orb spider that I found, cool huhn.
I found this sackada and thought that it was cool and thought that you guy's might like it like me.
This is my tree frog focusing or aiming at something. getting ready jump.
This is my gecko looking at the camera and smiling. cheeeese !

This is Buddy running for fun.
This is my pet gecko he is a leopard gecko.his tail is fat because that is where his food goes.I named him Buddy
This is my pet frog. He is a tree frog, I think this is a good kind of pet,and a fun kind of pet. I named him Sticky.
I saw this one when I was tacking pictures and decided it would be good for my blog I hope you enjoy it just like I do.
This is my pet gecko again getting down from his half hollow log next to his water bowl.
I saw this and thought it would look cool if I put it on my blog.